
1 January 1991

Love is at my core

  • I am Love.  Life is about making love.  To everything. Love is the point of it all.  Love is the energy of which I am made.  It is the energy that holds me together. Love is my experience of Self when I see everyone as part of me.  It is unity expressed.  We are all part of God.  I love you = "the god in me sees the god in you."   N. D. Walsch
  • Least effort is expended when my motivations are motivated by love, because nature is held together by love.  When my actions are motivated by love, my energy multiplies and accumulates. Attention to my ego -  when I seek power and control over others or seek approval from others - consumes the greatest amount of energy.  When my internal reference point is my spirit, when I am immune from criticism and unafraid of any challenge, I harness the power of love.   Deepak Chopra
  • My internal reference point is my spirit which is love. In object referral, we are seeking approval of others and need to control things.  Our behaviour is in anticipation of a response, therefore fear based.  Ego based power lasts only as long as the object of reference is there.  As soon as the money, power, title, job goes away, so does the power.  In self referral, my self is immune to criticism, unfearful of a challenge, feels beneath no- one, yet feels superior to no- one because it recognises that everyone is the same spirit.   Deepak Chopra
  • Fear is the energy which contracts, closes down, draws in, runs, hides, hoards, harms. Love is the energy which expands, opens up, sends out, stays, reveals, shares, heals.  Fear wraps our bodies in clothing, love allows us to stand naked.  Fear clings to and clutches all that we have, love gives all that we have away. Fear holds close, love holds dear.  Fear grasps, love lets go.  Fear rankles, love soothes.  Fear attacks, love ammends.  Every human thought ,word or deed is based in one emotion or the other.  You have no choice about this, because there is nothing else to choose.  But you have free choice about which of these to select.   N. D. Walsch

