
25 April 2005

Culture galore

Wow, what a great art exhibition. It's all the rage in London at the moment, booked up for months in advance. The story of Whistler (American )and Turner (British), their love affair with painting London landscapes and how they inspired Monet (French) in his impressionist style. We met up with Rosemarie and Nick and spent an exciting two and half hours exploring the paintings.

There were lots of interesting landscapes of London in the 1800's - what an awful place it was with its appalling polution and thick smog. Ironically however, it was the smog that brought Monet back to London over and over - he loved the ephemeral quality it gave the light and the moods it cast over the city. Oh well, i suppose there is a silver lining in everything.

I particularly liked Monet's paintings. My favourite paintings of his were this one and this one - both of the Parliament Buildings. There was also an amazing painting from Turner of the Parlimant Buildings burning down in 1834.

It was a wonderful exhibition and Ally was particularly in her element. In her words: "It was an explosion of light and a heady experimentation of colour, combining all my most beloved subjects - namely sunsets and travel." As you can see, she's becoming quite a poet.

