
21 July 2006


We are exploring Perth for a few days before heading to Melbourne, Sidney and Brisbane. It certainly is a lovely, laid back city with lots of rollerblading tracks along the river - a big boon in my book. We met up with Colin and Natalie who we met at Galapagos so great to see some friendly faces too - makes a big difference. King's Park is fantastic and apart from exploring suburbs, we are also managing to take in some sights.

Fair dinkum, mate, it's a roo! This little fellow at the Caversham Wildlife park just loved my ear!

Believe it or not, this little joey had emerged just minutes before from mum's pouch! Who would have thought that such a grown up youngster would still live at home! Wonder if mum will go through empty pouch syndrome when the joey finally decides to leave?

Also saw these two interesting characters at the park. The owl was a real charmer with its winking.

We love King's Park with its lush lawns and beautiful views of the city. The baobab trees (never knew they grew here in Austrlia too!) make us feel at home.

My new baby from Singapore. I've dreamed of getting a digital SLR for a long time. Only problem is it makes me feel like a beginner. You can take amazing shots if you get it right, awful if not. I refuse to use the automatic settings!!

Needless to say, I practiced with some of the local birds during our visit to King's Park. I particularly loved seeing this Galah (pink and grey cockatoo). There are lots of cockatoos and parrots here.

We met up with Colin and Natalie who we met at Galapagos. They invited us over to their house for one of the most delicious curries I have ever tasted, complimented with delicious local wine. So great to spend time with two such wonderful people.


Russell said...

I say settle in Porpoise Spit!
Wonderful ABBA soundtrack there for a Wedding!

Robyn said...

Fantastic camera. I wish you many hours of great fun with it. Someone here has explained the SLR technology to me and I believe that it is fabulous for bird photography. Enjoy!
