
1 October 2006

Ally's new passion

Ally has started beading and is absolutely loving the shapes and colours and varieties. It's a great creative outlet and you end up with beautiful necklaces and bracelets at the end. Beading is all the rage in Australia at the moment and there is a mindboggling number of beads to choose from. Here is a small assortment of her recent "creations."


Mum said...

At this rate you will soon be able to open your own shop. Guess what we will all be getting for presents in April!! I love the turquoise/jade colour ones. Hint hint!! They all look lovely. You probably won't have as much time for creativity once you start work so enjoy while you can. Well done on getting the job!

Robyn said...

I wish you 200 000 hours of delight playing with these little jewels. Love, R.

Steve said...

Hiya Guys, Looks like you've settled right in. What a fantastic place to live.
Ally those bead are lovley, you can get some presous stones from Rubyvale in QLD and have them cut to your liking.

Take care

Kx said...

These look LOVLEY!!! and great colours - well done! :) k
