
8 October 2011

Lighthouses along The Great Ocean Road

The shore along The Great Ocean Road was called the Shipwreck Coast because many ships came unstuck here in the past.  It is not surprising therefore that there are several lighthouses at strategic places along the rocky shoreline, most built in the 1800's.  

Today, modern technology like satellites, computers and radio has made lighthouses redundant and the "era of light" is over.  However, lighthouses still evoke (for me at any rate) a special feeling, a reminder of a time when travel was often perilous and lives were saved by these beacons. 

For thousands of immigrants travelling to the Australian goldfields in the 1850's, lighthouses were often the first sign of civilisation after a long voyage.   

Cape Otway Lighthouse

Port Fairy

Cape Nelson (Portland)

Airey's Inlet

