Showing posts with label snake. Show all posts
Showing posts with label snake. Show all posts

27 October 2014

Wingello State Forest and Morton National Park

A lovely weekend camping and hiking in The Wingello Forest on Saturday and Sunday.  On Sunday afternoon, we passed through Bundanoon to visit The Morton National Park where we did a beautiful, short but steep walk to base of The Fairy Bower Waterfall.

Highlights included ...
  • Lovely people. Jo and Wendy always seem to attract a laid back, friendly group.
  • Hiking along a road with pine trees on our left, and indigenous Eucalyptus forest on our right.
  • Beautiful spring flowers still out in force, including some beautiful red ones I'd never seen before.
  • The tranquil camp site set in the pine forest with light filtering through.
  • Wendy's delicious burritos - she always makes the best camp food.
  • Two wonderful encounters with red bellied black snakes, including one swimming across a lake and showing off it's beautiful red belly.
  • Yellow tailed black cockatoos in the forest close to camp and getting to photograph them in the air.
  • Beautiful cloud formations on Saturday evening.
  • Adventurous bundu bashing and clamboring down the walls of canyon to reach a pristine river for a refreshing swim.  Well done, Joe, for finding a way down!!  I felt like an early explorer, going where no-one had gone before.
  • An invigorating swim in a beautiful pool at the top of the Fairy Bower Falls. Getting munched by a couple of hungry leeches was a small price to pay!
  • A gorgeous walk with great views to the base of the falls. The old forest trees with their gnarled truck and roots were stunning.
  • A delicious pizza in Bundanoon.  Food always seems to taste particularly amazing after a camping trip.

All in all, another fantastic weekend!! 

First day hike (Wingello Forest)

Pine forest on our right, Eucaplytus on the left.

Nice wide paths so we could chat while we walked.

Both red flowers above were new for me. So gorgeous.

Nature sure does love yellow.

Some lovely textures on the trees.

What would a pine forest be without pine cones?

Evening stroll to find yellow tailed black cockatoos

Yellow tailed black cockatoos that proved hard to get close to.  Thank goodness for my 400 mm lens.

Beautiful cloud formations.

Camp life

The camp site was set in the trees. A very tranquil place.

Second day hike (Wingello Forest)

Here we are in a beautiful and very secluded river after venturing off path and climbing down a canyon to get to it.  The water was gorgeous.

How beautiful is this snakes red belly?  I'm seen 5 snakes on my last 4 hiking trips!  Not that I'm complaining, I love them.

Hiking to Fairy Bower falls (Morton National Park)

The beautiful rock pool at the top of Fairy Bower Falls. The water was seriously cold!

Hiking down to the base of the falls.

At the base of the falls, enjoying some pristine rain forest.

27 September 2014

An amazing snake experience

While camping and hiking in the Blue Mountains, this two metre black snake slithered into the rock pool we had been swimming in moments before and swam across with breathtaking speed and agility. I was so mesmerised, I forgot to be scared. But I reckon I'll be looking twice before leaping into rock pools in the future!

31 December 2012

Waterfall Way

As the rivers journey from the high tablelands of New England through the rainforests and down to the Coffs Coast, they create some spectacular waterfalls along the way.  As we drove inland and upwards, through the towns of Bellingen,  Urunga, Dorrigo, Uralla and Armidale, we stopped to admire the waterfalls and hike in some of the beautiful national parks.

Here are some of the highlights:
  • A delicious Mocha coffee in great surroundings in Bellingen, followed by a perusal of the local shops including the impressive Emporium Bellingen.
  • The waterfalls of course.  Ebor Falls was my favourite.
  • A gorgeous (though longer than expected!) hike through the rainforests of Dorrigo National Park. The rain had just stopped and the forest had that amazing fresh smell.  We were in awe at the huge vines which in places, seemed to have completely devoured the trees they clung too.  The undergrowth abounded with all sorts of different fungi and the hike ended in the climactic spotting of a large Carpet Python.  A very exciting moment!
  • Listening to the blood soaked audio book of World War Z in the car all about a zombie apocolypse. It's been adapted into a movie starring Brad Pitt to be released later this year - it will be very interesting to see how it's been done.
  • A delicious steak sandwich in Ebor.  As they say, hunger is the best sauce.
  • Camping and hiking in The Cathedral Rock National park (somewhat basic in it's amenities) and doing an amazing hike up to the top of Cathedral Rock for spectacular views.
  • Getting to drive Dani's car - what trust!  Especially when she let me take it off road for the drive into Cathedral Rock.  It's going to be hard going back to my little Toyota! 

Waterfalls of Waterfall Way

Dangar Falls

Ebor Falls (Upper)

Ebor Falls (lower)

Wollomombi Falls

Dorrigo National Park

The highlight of our hike: a Carpet Python

A viewpoint on the way

Great letter box

Next stop on our trip


1 January 2012

Abandoned Shale Mine, Glen Davis

I felt a lot like I was Indiana Jones when exploring the abandoned shale mine in Glen Davis.  For several reasons.

Firstly was the nature of the ruins themselves.  They were only abandoned 60 years ago, but the remaining rows of pillars and soaring brickfaced walls and arches make them look a bit like ancient classical ruins, like Ephesus in Turkey or Pompeii in Italy.  

Secondly, nature has done a remarkable job of reclaiming many of the ruins, with huge trees growing inside the old walls and monstrous, thorny weeds, the size of small trees, just as you'd find in an Indiana Jones movie.  

Third was the marvellous natural setting of the ruins.  Set right in the heart of the Capertee Valley with sandstone cliffs on either side.  Not quite like Petra in "Indiana and the Last Crusade", but beautiful nevertheless.

Fourth, I had to do my explorations in secret.  The mine is only open to the public on Saturday afternoons at 2 pm for an hour, so I had to slip over the fence and creep in quietly, and I faced the constant threat of discovery and capture.  

And finally, but most importantly, there were snakes!!!  Not pitfulls of snakes like Indiana faced in "Raiders of the Lost Ark", but I did see two large black ones in the space of just two minutes!  And as I had snubbed my toe the day before, I was wearing open sandals, so totally vulnerable to poisonous bites!  

So all in all, it was a marvellous adventure.  Of course, I was not there to find priceless relics, but to take photos and this I managed to do without capture or being bitten, so mission accomplished.  I think Indiana himself would have been impressed, except for the girlie squeal I made when I nearly stepped on the first snake.

